Can Basel 3 regulatory framework prevent a new financial crisis?
Langue Anglais
Langue Anglais
Auteur(s) : Marrache, Lionel
Directeur(s) : Jean-Lucien Netzer
Date de création : 30-06-2013
Résumé(s) : After the inability of Basel accords to prevent the failure of the banking system during the financial crisis of 2007, the Basel Committee had to improve these accords and agreed on a new regulatory framework for the financial system in 2010. The new accord will make the financial institutions follow an agenda of reforms until 2019. It is supposed to ensure a financial stability and allow survival during periods of financial distress with a higher quality and amount of capital. My literature review is organised in four parts according to the texts chosen. I will shaw the Basel II limits and failures before explaining the new requirements of Basel III agreements supposed to fix the previous mistakes. Then, I will, in a second part, try to find out the impacts in terms of capital, liquidity and risk management for banks as well as the new challenges that the reforms will create. The third part of my thesis will analyse how the banks can adapt to the new requirements or the possible mitigations possibilities. The last part will finally synthesize the previous parts and find out the limits of the Basel III agreements and whether they are sufficient to prevent a new banking crisis from happening.
Discipline : Banking Finance
Mots-clés libres : Crises financières, Banking, Finance, Bâle II, Bâle III, Basel 2, Basel 3, prévention des crises bancaires, 650
Couverture : FR
Directeur(s) : Jean-Lucien Netzer
Date de création : 30-06-2013
Résumé(s) : After the inability of Basel accords to prevent the failure of the banking system during the financial crisis of 2007, the Basel Committee had to improve these accords and agreed on a new regulatory framework for the financial system in 2010. The new accord will make the financial institutions follow an agenda of reforms until 2019. It is supposed to ensure a financial stability and allow survival during periods of financial distress with a higher quality and amount of capital. My literature review is organised in four parts according to the texts chosen. I will shaw the Basel II limits and failures before explaining the new requirements of Basel III agreements supposed to fix the previous mistakes. Then, I will, in a second part, try to find out the impacts in terms of capital, liquidity and risk management for banks as well as the new challenges that the reforms will create. The third part of my thesis will analyse how the banks can adapt to the new requirements or the possible mitigations possibilities. The last part will finally synthesize the previous parts and find out the limits of the Basel III agreements and whether they are sufficient to prevent a new banking crisis from happening.
Discipline : Banking Finance
Mots-clés libres : Crises financières, Banking, Finance, Bâle II, Bâle III, Basel 2, Basel 3, prévention des crises bancaires, 650
Couverture : FR
Type : Mémoire de Master, Memoire Unistra
Format : PDF
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Format : PDF
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Identifiant : ecrin-ori-355094
Type de ressource : Ressource documentaire
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